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- 50 Percent Scale Deluxe Mando Helmet (Hex3D)
50 Percent Scale Deluxe Mando Helmet (Hex3D)

50 Percent Scale Deluxe Mando Helmet (Hex3D)
We print these 50 percent scale Deluxe Mando Helmets in-house out of black PLA and then finish them off in either silver or gold with a clear coat. They measure in at roughly 6” x 6” x 6” and are absolutely perfect for your Star Wars collection. This 3D file was originally designed by Hex3D.
We print these 50 percent scale Deluxe Mando Helmets in-house out of black PLA and then finish them off in either silver or gold with a clear coat. They measure in at roughly 6” x 6” x 6” and are absolutely perfect for your Star Wars collection. This 3D file was originally designed by Hex3D.